Frequently Asked Questions

大多数问题的答案都可以在咨询心理学理学硕士课程中找到 Graduate Student Handbook.

A few other question/answers are listed below. In addition, for any other questions please contact the program coordinator: Dr. Kimberly James at

What is the Personal Growth Experience?

Self-awareness, personal congruence, 要想成为一名有效的专业帮助者,不断追求成长是必不可少的. 所有学生都必须参加旨在提高这些品质的个人成长体验. The growth experience may be either individual or group therapy in nature, and must be at least 6 hours in length.

许多学生选择在超过6小时的最低要求后继续接受治疗. Particularly while interning, 学生们已经认识到需要解决个人问题,这样这些问题就不会干扰咨询过程. For example, 个人治疗可以帮助学生确定成长的障碍和他们一直回避的领域. 学生们了解到,在他们期望客户也这样做之前,他们必须先面对自己. 在自己的咨询中体验过治疗技术有效性的学生对自己的客户使用这些技术感到更舒服. 通过直接体验客户的角色,学生也倾向于获得更广阔的视角来看待帮助关系.

参与个人成长经历将由每个学生在实习活动报告的自我评价部分写一个单独的段落记录. This paragraph will be a summary of the personal growth experience. 学生需要描述经验的类型,并简要讨论这些经验对他/她作为专业咨询师的发展的影响. 个人成长经历的书面评估是教师监督学生遵守本课程要求的手段. You need to complete this requirement no later than the last semester of internship.

Learning About Self

In order to develop competence, 心理咨询专业的学生必须准备好有效地学习和智力学习. In effect, you will find that learning about yourself and your relations with others, honestly and courageously, is fundamental to becoming an effective helping professional. Thus, 在整个过程中,你应该认真地、反复地检查和探索自己的以下方面.

Who am I? How do I relate to others? What are my attitudes toward myself and others? 以上每一项如何影响我与他人的关系,尤其是与客户的关系, individually and in groups? What are my personal strengths and weaknesses, and how am I going to act on this information about myself? How receptive am I to supervisory feedback?

What do I believe about counseling? What is the role of a counselor? At this time, what kind of a counselor am I choosing to be? What are my academic or knowledge strengths and weaknesses, and how am I going to remedy my weaknesses?

Learning About Clients

You should be constantly working toward greater skill in understanding your clients, including the ability to see clients as interdependent with others; view of self and attitudes and feelings toward self; view of others and attitudes and feelings toward others; ways of coping and defending; ways of managing feelings and relationships; needs, assets, and problem behaviors; objectives-personal and situational; preferred ways of moving toward objectives; assets (particularly social support) and problems relative to personal goals; and understanding of cultural/environmental context.

Learning About Counselor-Client Relationships

最重要的是,了解自己,更好地理解他人以及他们的感受和行为, 咨询专业的学生必须对一对一的持续关系培养一种此时此地的敏感性和理解, group, and family situations. Within the counseling relationship, the counselor must foster collaboration, 具有多元文化意识,能够以一种不受威胁和不扭曲的方式处理自己的感受和反应,以及客户的感受和反应. The counselor must learn to approach rather than avoid difficult, sensitive, 当你们的关系足够牢固,可以进行更深入的探索时,会有痛苦的经历. Above all, 咨询师必须学会避免让他/她自己的需求干扰来访者的成长或健康心理的发展, constructive client-counselor relationship.

Learning How to Help Clients Learn About Themselves, Their Environment And Their Relations With Others

While this learning is implicit in the earlier sections above, 对这一目标给予一些强调,应该表明信息寻求和信息提供是咨询帮助的一个重要方面. Individual assessment in its many forms (interview, observation, testing, etc.)、职业探索活动和咨询技巧是这一学习目标的一部分. 此外,需要解决社区资源和客户宣传的重要性.

Learning About Stability and Change in Human Behavior

辅导员学生将开始学习人类行为是如何维持的,以及如何改变行为. 这种学习将包括对人类学习的外部和内部因素的理解. These factors include social forces, group norms and pressures, interpersonal payoffs, cognitive consistency, and anxiety-defense dynamics. The counselor's knowledge of behavioral change will be shared with her/his clients. 变更的方向以及变更的程序和程序在理想情况下是可以接受的, and voluntarily chosen by, the client. 然而,有必要考虑非自愿或强迫客户的特殊需要.

Learning About the Helping Profession

The counselor-student will begin to identify with the "helping profession.“这个过程在项目的早期就开始了,因为个人在帮助他人的过程中了解了自我,并看到了不同的学习经历与一个称职的专业人士的发展之间的关系. 实习是职业认同过程中的一个重要阶段. During the internship, 辅导生开始更充分地认识到他/她对其他专业帮助者的责任, internalizes the professional code of ethical conduct, and lastly, appreciates the necessity of continuous professional development.

What are graduates of this program currently doing?

Graduates from this program are currently working as community health specialists, mental health counselors, marriage and family counselors, crisis counselors, drug and alcohol counselors, college counselors, and in supervisory positions in a variety of settings or attending Ph.D. programs. 5%到10%的毕业生决定继续攻读博士学位, most in Ph.D. or Psy.D. clinical or counseling programs. 如果学生打算攻读博士学位,澳门十大赌城官方网站强烈建议他们在FSU从事研究工作. 与教师一起进行研究的机会是可用的,并且应该在FSU学生职业生涯的早期开始.

What is the student-faculty ratio?

The student-faculty ratio is about 7 to 1. This ratio insures individualized attention and close supervision of students.